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Half-timbered houses from the Ecocomplect company


Sergey Domogatsky is the founder of the Ekocomplekt construction company, a well-known entrepreneur and blogger, author of 5 books on construction. His interest in half-timbered technology did not arise by accident: Sergei planned to build his own house, but could not find the optimal project in any way.

Here is what the businessman himself writes: “While traveling around Europe, I drew attention to the German houses, created using the medieval technology“ half-timbered ”. I remember being amazed that they are already 600 years old, and they look like new. And people still live there! Such structures are very solid, with great planning possibilities. It was then that I realized that I also want to live in such a house. Read the full info here https://fahverkdomogackogo.yolasite.com/


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