This series follows a girl whose touch has the ability to kill others. In the first book she is imprisoned for murder, but is suddenly released to become a weapon for the coming war. Eventually, she meets others similar to her and learns of the existence of a group of rebels. I found this to be a unique plot and enjoyed the many twists and turns that occur throughout the series. There is a lot of drama, which I didn't like as much as the action scenes, but I didn't find it that big of a problem, as it provides a nice balance. I also loved the poetic style of writing and the use of imagery throughout the series.
FANTASTIC CAST OF CHARACTERSThe series contains a fantastic cast of characters, and each is well developed. Juliette, the main character, is realistic and has her strengths and weaknesses. I really enjoyed watching her gain confidence in herself and her abilities, and she has some sass. In the new installments of the series, Warner and Kenji have their own narratives, and I enjoyed seeing their personalities shine through. I didn't find Kenji's perspective to be very necessary, but I enjoyed getting inside his head. As for the many secondary characters Juliette meets, they are all different and have their own unique abilities, and I loved getting to know them all.
NO NEW BOOKS NEEDEDI didn't have many problems with the series until the three new books. The first addition flows pretty seamlessly from the end of the original trilogy, but I definitely don't think these books needed to be written. They are full of strange and unrealistic twists, and everything is watered down. The characters are nowhere near as interesting and complex as they were in the original books, and I actually ended up liking them less because they seem so different. By the fifth book, I had completely lost interest, as Defy Me consists mostly of flashbacks, and there is no new information. Honestly, these new books ruined the series for me.
Shatter Me Pdf is an original, emotional and action-packed series. I enjoyed each of the characters, especially Juliette and her transformation. However, the last three books disappointed me and I felt they were unnecessary. If you like books about characters with special abilities, I would definitely recommend this series, but consider skipping the new additions.
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