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How to Create iPhone Ringtones

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Another option is to purchase a new ringtone from the Apple Store. This is the easiest and most convenient way to add a new ringtone, but it’s also a bit pricey.

Some people prefer to make their own klingeltöne, which can be done by simply ripping the vinyl off of an album or by creating a recording of an audio clip from a song on your computer. The steps involved are fairly straightforward and should be familiar to anyone who has ever created a music track in iTunes or Music.

If you have a desktop computer, you can easily transfer a ringtone to your phone from a computer using a USB or other type of data cable. Then you can play the ringtone on your phone, and decide whether or not you want to use it as your default ringtone or as a ringback tone for text messages and other alerts.

Other options include sending a ringtone over the airwaves or using software that lets you load a ringtone directly onto your phone from your computer. This can be useful if you want to keep your ringtone from being downloaded over the airwaves, and it’s also an easy way to make a custom ringtone from an existing song on your phone.

Regardless of your preferred method, you can easily change the ringtone that plays when you receive an incoming call, email or other alert by opening the Settings app on your device and tapping Sounds and Haptic Patterns. You can then choose from a range of built-in sounds or buy ringtones from the iTunes Store.

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