Incidentally, just thought I want to mention - the bit of rule of thumb for 110+ CB PK'ing (and I understand
OSRS gold you're enjoy CB 14, but, hopefully you can look back on this article... Who am I kidding. Just thought I would mention this, though) is that it ALSO WORKS JUST FINE FOR PVM.
So two of my friend, 1 level 116, the other maxed:-LRB- got hacked, exaclty the same week, they dropped all of thei items along with the maxed man lost 2 chaotics, now I am honestly freaked out. Now, thanks for reading this I just wanted you guys to tell me if I;m doing everything I can to protect my accounts to the entire, anymore suggestions?
I just got a slayer task for 20 iron paintings. So I looked at the
Runescape 3 gold metallic drag hunting manual and bought full experts. On the guide, it states to bring a lot of pray pot. Is this essential? Or will I be fine? I'd rather not purchase if I dont need to... The whole point of having Prosylete is to get the Prayer bonus. If you are not gonna utilize it, don't utilize the Prosylete. I suggest bringing ~10 Prayer potions to continue for about 20 Dragons, at least it does it for me.