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Best Exercises to Lose Weight at Home
« : 01 Май 2023, 15:05:31 »
Whether you're looking to lose weight and tone up, or you want to take your fitness game to the next level, there are plenty of ways to keep your workout routine fresh without spending any money on gym equipment. In fact, there are even some at-home workouts that will help you hit your fitness goals in just 20 minutes or less!
Best Exercises for Burning Fat
When it comes to shedding unwanted pounds, the number one rule is to burn more calories than you consume. So it's essential to work out regularly and eat a healthy diet, experts tell Health.
But while there are countless workouts that can get you in the zone, it's not always easy to fit them into your schedule. Plus, many exercises require a lot of space and time, so it's easy to get out of the habit and stop exercising altogether. If you are struggling to find the time, space or money to workout at the gym, there are plenty of at-home workouts that will still get you in shape, says Michelle Kom, a certified personal trainer and owner of Diva Fit Studio in New York City.
Bodyweight Exercises
If you are looking to boost your strength and endurance, bodyweight exercises are a great way to do it. These workouts are also a good option for those who have limited access to gym equipment and don't like the thought of lifting weights.
The key to bodyweight exercises is proper form and a low-impact approach, Kom says. Start with lighter weights and focus on Newswidely.com  before adding more resistance over time. You can add an extra challenge by using a weight belt, dumbbells or medicine balls as your weights.
Doing a pushup is an important part of any strength-training routine. It strengthens your arms, chest and back, but it's also a full-body exercise that works your legs and obliques.
You can do pushups on your knees, or you can try jumping up and down instead. It's best to do them for three sets of 10 reps and take a break before starting the next set.
Whether you love them or loathe them, burpees are one of the most effective full-body exercises to help you lose weight and tone up.
They involve a wide range of muscles and include a lot of aerobic activity, which helps your heart rate soar and keeps your metabolism humming along, according to Jeff Bell, co-founder and master trainer at Belleon Body NYC in New York City.
The best thing about burpees, though, is that they don't require any equipment. They can be done from anywhere.
These are another simple and quick exercise that's a great way to get in shape. They are also very effective for burning fat.
If you don't have access to a step, you can do these on your floor or by stepping on a chair.
Dumbbell Rows
If you have a dumbbell or other weight in your home, then doing these rows can be a great way to build strength and increase the intensity of your workout.