Автор Тема: Удивительная история Джона Макафи в Белизе  (Прочитано 4183 раз)

Оффлайн vlyerm

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Какая самая безумная история прошлой недели? Конечно же история, рассказанная самим Джонном Маккафи, история о том, как он стал руководителем разведки в Белизе, раздавая ноутбуки, зараженные вредоносным ПО чиновникам, и, отвечая за группу из 29 «оперативников», занимающихся мониторингом этих машин.

Маккафи, прославившийся однажды американский антивирусный эксперт, покинул США несколько лет назад и растворился в своем «царстве тьмы» в джунглях Белиза. Он прослыл эксцентриком и добился того, что на его частную собственность ворвался спецназ Белиза с подозрениями в том, что Маккафи содержит лабораторию по производству метамфетаминов. Затем сосед Маккафи был убит, и Джон ударился в бега, рассказывая всем, кому хоть как-то было интересно, что полиция Белиза собирается его убить (полиция объяснила это всего лишь тем, что хотела задать ему пару вопросов и совершенно его ни в чем не подозревала). И вот уже теперь, после того как он проскользнув через границу с Гватемалой (длинная и сумасшедшая история сама по себе), снова в США — он наконец добрался до своего блога, чтобы рассказать о себе, Джоне Маккафи, шефе разведки.

Устроено все было так:

    Я приобрел 75 дешевых ноутбуков и с помощью доверенных мне людей, установил логгеры клавиатуры. Такие, которые отправляли весь ввод прямо ко мне. Также по команде я мог включать микрофон и камеру, и отправлять всю запись опять к себе на компьютер. Я все подстроил так, будто бы компьютеры были новыми. После этого я начал вручать их как подарки чиновникам, офицерам полиции. Помощникам министров, подружкам влиятельных людей, любовникам влиятельных женщин. Я нанял 4 людей, которым доверял, которые заняты были только тем, что изучали весь приходящий материал на предмет паролей к почтовым ящикам, фейсбукам, закрытым форумам и другим засекреченным аккаунтам. Документировалось абсолютно все.

    Затем я подобрал людей для социальной инженерии, которой я собирался заняться. 23 женщины и 6 мужчин стали моими оперативниками. 8 женщин в итоге даже поселились у меня — что оказалось эффективным и закончилось тем, что они начали уже проверять друг друга. Одна из них (Марсия) впоследствии стала двойным агентом и чуть меня не убила.

Эта крупная операция, в которой один гринго решил следить за половиной правительства Белиза, прошла без проблем, и Маккафи стал чем-то вроде богоподобного супершпиона.
«Что я нашел, по большей части было ожидаемым» — пишет Маккафи — «Бессчисленное количество любовных интриг, совершенно бесстыдных и интимных переписок. Множество одновременных проявлений любви, зависти и гнева». Никто не мог устоять перед его оперативниками. Перебирая всеми своими неотразимыми женщинами, он находил ту, которая и добавилась успеха у нужного политика.

Ноутбуков ему было недостаточно. Маккафи говорит, что хотел также поставить на прослушку все свои цели. Он, как утверждает, посетил две местные телефонные компании и вычислил ключевых игроков, способных устроить прослушивание и определение всех контактных номеров. Его команда затем разузнала контактную информацию о женах и мужьях этих ключевых людей, узнала имена всех наркодилеров этих работников (если были), имена уважаемых членов семейств, а также имена их «интересов на стороне». Будучи специалистами по постельным разговорам, они разузнали все что только могли.

Вас, дорогие читатели наверно не шокирует тот факт, что операция Маккафи раскрыла не только мелкие коррупционные и постыдные секреты, но и существование сети группировки Хезбала, ответственной за переправку 11 ливанцев в течение одного месяца в Америку. Конечно, они скорее всего были террористами. Один из них планировал произвести смертельный яд рицин из растений, произраставших в тренировочном лагере в Никарагуа.

Маккафи, разумеется (!), обнаружил этот лагерь.

    Я знаю все это потому что, в течение последних трех месяцев имел двух людей в Никарагуа, которые наладили связь с этим лагерем. Также у меня было три человека в Мексике, которые наладили связь с наркобаронами средней руки из группировки Zeta. Я не обнародую никакой информации, которая могла бы скомпрометировать этих пятерых.

Ах-да, еще как оказалось, премьер-министр собирался кого-то убить.

Что привело Маккафи запустить самую наглую шпионскую операцию против государства Белиз? Кто знает? Он, конечно же, — нет.

«Я сам не знаю чего я хотел добиться» — пишет он. «Удовлетворение от мести, может. Получить свое добро назад? Может быть. Чистое удовольствие от игры мускулами? Я не могу ответить точно. Большая часть моей жизни загадка для самого меня. Вдобавок, скажу — я сделал это, потому что мог».

Если честно, сложно во все это поверить. У Маккафи долгая история поддельных сердечных приступов, фиктивных постов в блоге и обвинение в умышленном сумасшествии. Загляните, к примеру в длинную статью в Wired о нем.

    Два года спустя после переезда в Белиз, Маккафи начал отправлять множество запросов на Bluelight.ru, наркофорум. Он объяснил это тем, что начал экспериментировать с MDPV, психоактивным стимулятором, найденным в ванных солях, класс наркотиков, которые имеют тот же эффект, что и амфетамфетамины и кокаин. «В первый раз, когда я занялся этими экспериментами, я случайно капнул на свои пальцы, после чего не спал 4 дня. У меня были визуальные и слуховые галлюцинации и приступ худшей паранойи в моей жизни». Маккафи указал, однако, что повышенная сексуальная одержимость нивелировала все риски. Также он утверждал, что произвел 50 фунтов MDPV в 2010 году. «Я продал 3000 доз исключительно в Белизе». Но ни Эмшвиллер, Адонизио (Emshwiller, Adonizio) и никто другой, с кем я разговаривал, не замечали его за производством такой наркоты. Так как он смог произвести 50 фунтов так, чтобы никто не заметил?

    У Маккафи есть простое объяснение: нужно было всего лишь придумать трюк, который заставит наркоманов попробовать вредный наркотик. «Все это было чертовски несерьезным». Сам же он отказывается когда-либо пробовать это вещество: «Если я и буду что-то пробовать, то это будет что-то, что я знаю, например грибы или кокаин. Но все кто меня знают, знают, что я никогда вообще ничего не буду пробовать».

Кто знает, может это всего лишь попытка Маккафи написать в жанре криминального чтива? Если так, то вполне ничего.


A Clear And Present Danger

After the April raid on my property in Orange Walk I went on the offensive.  I had asked for a simple apology and had received none.  I was pissed.  They had shot my dog, destroyed my property and stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of things that I valued.  They have still not been returned.

I purchased 75 cheap laptop computers and, with trusted help, installed invisible keystroke logging software on all of them – the kind that calls home (to me) and disgorges the text files.  It also, on command, turns on, and off, the microphone and camera – and sends these files on command.  I had the computers re-packaged as if new.  I began giving these away as presents to select people – government employees, police officers, Cabinet Minister’s assistants, girlfriends of powerful men, boyfriends of powerful women.  I hired four trusted people full time to monitor the text files and provide myself with the subsequent passwords for everyone’s email, Facebook, private message boards and other passworded accounts.  The keystroke monitoring continued after password collection, in order to document text input that would later be deleted.  So nothing was missed…

I next collected my human resources for the complex social engineering I would have to do.  I arranged with 23 women and 6 men to be my operatives.  Eight of the women were so accomplished that they ended up living with me.  It was amazingly more efficient and they were easily convinced to check up on each other.  One was so accomplished (Marcia) that she became a double agent and nearly got me killed:
story from  post3    and story from post4

These men and women were given simple training on how to access and load software on someone’s computer while they slept, or ate or made long phone calls etc.  It’s dead simple if you’re sleeping with someone – “Hey Babe, can I borrow your computer to check my email?” – A little more complex if you’re not – but not much.  They were also shown dirt simple phone tricks, like borrowing a person’s phone to make a call and then resetting auto-delete of sent texts.  No-one ever checks these things after setup, so all the sent texts are now available to the person borrowing your phone to call their boyfriend to make up a story so they can sleep over with you.  Due to the nature of the call, the operative clearly needed privacy during the call – hence ease of access to changing your settings and reading your sent texts

And I taught them other tricks.

When my teams were assembled, I targeted the two National phone companies for engineering.  It was imperative for me to be able to hear people’s phone conversations, or at the very least to know with whom they were in contact.  This social engineering exercise was the easiest.  I used myself as the decoy in this operation.

I approached numerous employees of both companies with the offer to buy the information that I needed.  I knew this would raise flags and lead to failure.  I did this in a manner that would not get me arrested but would ensure that my enquiries reached the appropriate ears – ears belonging to people who definitely did not want me to learn anything.   People then knew I was after information and, as they would naturally think, I would use “buying” as my technique.  Both companies eventually gave me information, which I purchased, but it was, as expected, garbage.  While I was negotiating all of this, my team was working its way through the lower ranks of Phone Company employees and had locked onto a number of key players who had access to the technical processes involved in tapping phones and delivering lists of phone contacts.  The team had contact information for appropriate wives and husband of these key players, knew the names of the employees’ drug providers (if any), names of respectable family members, and names of all the other “side interests” of the targets.  Being “pillow talk” masters, they also knew, and had verified, every secret thing the persons had ever done.  Phone Project complete.

Simultaneously with the above, I had identified key “helpers” for each Government Minister and had sent in social engineers to stroke the helpers.  Each was armed with software, presents, a story, a seductive smile and a small voice recorder.  Everyone had at least one voice recorder.  They were small.  They could be hidden under a bed, behind a piece of artwork, inside a pillow, in an old shoe.  They could be kept on, recording, for days on end prior to retrieval.

Throughout this process I emailed the Prime Minister every few weeks and asked for an apology.  A simple apology, in the early stages at least, would have stopped this whole affair.  I received none.

What I was looking for was hard proof of corruption at a high level.  I’m not sure what I expected to gain.  The satisfaction of revenge perhaps – to some extent – what little satisfaction there is in revenge.  As a way to get my stuff back?  Maybe.  For the sheer joy of muscle flexing?  I can’t answer precisely.  Much of my life is a mystery to me.  Suffice it to say:  I just did it because I could.

What I found was, for the most part, expected — Uncountable numbers of sexual affairs — Embarrassingly lurid and intimate chats — Multiple, simultaneous protestations of love, and jealousy and anger.

Some things were surprising.  I kept sending increasingly irresistible women in the direction of the UDP Party Chairman, to absolutely no avail.  Finally, a clever but unsuccessful young woman suggested an alternate chromosome configuration and – success at last.  It was a surprise to me, given the macho nature of the Chairman.

I was also surprised that the Prime Minister had personally ordered the murder of Arthur Young.  I had assumed that the idea came from much lower in the ranks.  But other than these few and other not so remarkable bits of information, things fell pretty much into the order that I had anticipated.  There were a few exceptions.  This one comes to mind, and it proved to be central to an issue I had anticipated:

While monitoring a young woman working in the Ministry of Immigration, whose Facebook chats had always been exclusively in Creole, the following popped up:


She was chatting on Facebook at the time with another young woman who had a limited education.  This occurred in late May.  The person monitoring the computer keystrokes forwarded it to me.  I sent a command to the system to activate the camera every 10 minutes and send me still shots.  After two days of monitoring nothing showed up other than the woman’s face that used the computer.  I managed to compromise the computer used by the friend she was chatting with and activated both the camera and the microphone on her system, but again, nothing showed up. I finally sent in a human resource.  More on this later.

I had early on documented heavy human trafficking as part of the National Security and Immigration Ministries’ activities.  This was hardly news, however.  All over Belize are huge billboards pleading for the cessation of human trafficking, much as billboards in America used to beg us not to drink and drive.  Everyone knew it was happening – obviously.  The billboards weren’t for nothing.  So my discoveries were uninteresting old news.

However, in the Belizean catchall “human trafficking” was an interesting statistic that I uncovered:  Nearly 25% were Lebanese, and all of these were male.   The entry passports for these Lebanese varied – Jordanian, Afghani, Saudi Arabia – but they nearly all spoke Lebanese Arabic.  The Lebanese were handled differently.  A false identity was created using a deceased Belizean with an appropriate English or European sounding name.  For example:
Who helped Hezbollah terrorist get Belizean passport&IDs

After the false Identity was created a passport was issued (this, by law, takes five years of residency, but remember, this whole thing was created and run by the Government – so sidestepping the law is trivial).  After the passport was issued, a handler was assigned to help the person exit Belize safely and arrive in America safely (safe for them that is.  Not so safe for America).  This was accomplished by turning the person in question over to a different, sequential set of handlers along the way.  The Architect of this process is John Saldivar – Minister of National Security, and for a while, Minister of Immigration as well.

I had located an individual working in Immigration that was trustworthy and willing to talk.  I discovered that an average of eleven Lebanese males were given new identities each month.  One month there were sixteen:

16 lebanese

I have redacted the original, and new names, for obvious reasons.

The human resource I sent to check on the odd sequence of texts from late may reported a surprising piece of information:  A young gentleman named Farid had taken up with the woman from Immigration whose computer he used (this is a different woman from the one who sent me monthly statistics).  My resource, being more clever than the average Belizean young woman, quickly snaked Farid for herself.  Early on I received this email from her:

Fareed email

Her subsequent phone call was enlightening.  We have disguised her voice:

Something was clearly happening that was not good.  The following voice recording of a discussion with a well placed Belizean official details most aspects of the Iranian new identity process.  We have disguised the person’s voice for obvious reasons:

Belize is clearly the central player in a larger network whose goal is to infiltrate the U.S. with individuals having links to terrorist organizations.   What is different today from the wholesale Belizean passport selling of ten years ago, is that the false citizenships that are created for these men are coupled with a network of handlers designed to move the individuals, and their cargo, into the U.S.

The replacement resource that I sent to keep Farid company (someone capable of sidestepping Farid’s cruelty) emailed me many times concerning Farid’s vocal anger toward America.  In one email she provided two crucialpieces of information that made things come into focus:

hezbollah castor

The Belizean official in the prior voice recording was either unaware of the Nicaraguan connection or, more likely, was afraid to divulge it.   Here’s what the world seems to know so far:

There may be a Hezbollah camp in Nicaragua, but no-one seems to know what they are doing at the camp:
Hezbollah establish training base in Nicaragua

Hezbollah has created ties with the Mexican Drug Cartels – specifically the Zetas:
Hezbollah Hooks Up With Mexican Drug Cartels
Hezbollah’s Rising Profile In Mexico

Everyone seems to think that Hezbollah’s intent is to gain riches through additional drug trafficking.  But drug trafficking is not Hezbollah’s intent, as the above reports imply.  Hezbollah is using the Zeta drug transportation network to transport something similar, in weight and size, to the drugs that the Zetas know so well how to slip into the States.  In return, Hezbollah is providing know-how to the Zetas in advanced weaponry.

The diplomatic world (the State Department) clearly knows that Belize is the architect of the current threat to America’s security:
Wikileaks from U.S. Embassy in Belize
Hezbollah terrorist with Belizean passports

but the State Department either does not understand the depth of the threat or for some bizarre reason does not want anyone to know the depth of the threat.  In fact, they don’t even want people to know that Belize is sending terrorist into America at all.  All official reports claim that the passports that people have been caught with are in fact forgeries and that the Government of Belize is not involved in creating false identities.  Unfortunately, they are. And the threat is of an enormous magnitude.  The substance being created in Nicaragua is being created by the ton.

I know all of this because I reassigned resources and for the past three months have had two people in Nicaragua that have made connections with the Hezbollah camp and I have three people in Mexico who have made connections with mid-level Zeta members.  I will release no information at this point that will implicate these five people.  Both the Hezbollah camp members and the Zeta organization, combined, have thousands of female connections.  This small post will implicate no one.

Anyone who is truly interested in deeper process of what is happening can infer the truth from the information provided in this post.  I have provided everything you need.

Belize is still a pirate haven.  The stakes have just increased a few orders of magnitude.  The current government represents a threat of enormous proportions.

My subsequent posts will expand on different aspects of the above as it becomes safe to do so.  In the meantime, I am taking a well-earned vacation into the heartland of the Midwest.  I blend well with the ranchers and cowboys that I lived amongst for so many years.  They are a sympathetic lot.