1. при вступлении в Орден неофита, наставник уединялся с ним за алтарем или в другом месте, где заставлял его три раза отречься от Спасителя и плюнуть на крест;
2. неофита раздевали донага и наставник, по одной версии, три раза целовал его в заднюю часть, в пупок и в уста, а по другой – "во все восемь отверстий";
3. шнурок, который тамплиеры носили как символ целомудрия, освещался тем, что его обвивали вокруг идола имевшего вид человеческой головы с длиной бородой и почитаемого руководителями Ордена;
4. священники Ордена при совершении богослужения не освящали Святых Даров.
The sudden arrest of the Grandmaster startled all France. In order to appease the enraged public which felt kindly disposed toward the head of the order, and to secure a favorable opinion for his action in France and abroad, Phillip issued an explanation setting forth the reasons for his procedure against the Templars. In short, he charged them with immorality and heresy, naming five specific offenses:
1 That upon being received into the order every neophyte must spit on the cross and deny Christ thrice. (5)
2 That the receptor and the novice exchanged indecent kisses, i.e. on the navel and the posteriors, while disrobed.
2 That they pledged themselves to practice sodomy.
4. That the priests of the order did not pronounce the words of consecration when administering the mass.
5. That the cord which the Templars wore over their shirt day and night as a symbol of purity had been consecrated by wrapping it around an idol they worshipped in the chapters. (6) источник