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How to play blackjack and win real money must-know
« : 09 Июнь 2023, 05:36:31 »

Blackjack , also known as Xì lát or Blackjack, is one of the most popular card games on the best betting site attracting a large number of players at Shbet. However, not everyone finds it easy to win in this game, especially beginners who lack experience and blackjack playing tips. If you're a new player and want to learn more strategies to easily win money playing blackjack, don't skip the following article from Shbet!
What is blackjack?
Playing blackjack, also known as Xì lát or Blackjack, is one of the most exciting card games at Shbet. This game uses a deck of 52 Western cards with very simple rules. With just 2-3 rounds of play, players can get familiar with this discipline.
Blackjack uses a deck of Western cards
How to play blackjack is quite simple, but winning in this game is not easy. You need to combine calculation skills and some tricks to deceive your opponents. If you haven't played blackjack before, let's learn more about this game right now!
Rules of blackjack
Here are the rules regarding players and card distribution in blackjack:
About players
Each card game has its own rules regarding the number of players and card distribution. For blackjack, the number of players in a game usually ranges from 2 to 4, with one of them acting as the "dealer."
All other players must place a predetermined amount of money before dealing the cards. In case of winning the bet, you will receive an amount equal to the betting money as a prize. If you lose, you lose the entire betting amount to the dealer.
To be the dealer, a player must have a capital equal to or greater than the total amount of bets from all players combined.
Blackjack card distribution
Blackjack uses a deck of 52 Western cards. At the start of the game, each player is dealt 2 cards in turns, and depending on the total points from the 2 cards, the player decides whether to stop drawing or continue drawing more cards to reach a desired point total.
The maximum milestone in blackjack is 21 points, and the player's task is to carefully calculate to achieve the desired total points from the cards.
Basic blackjack gameplay

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After distributing enough cards to the players and the dealer, the remaining cards are facedown for players to draw. Depending on the point value of the two cards, players can draw additional cards or stop drawing. The final card drawn is for the dealer.
Roles of each card in blackjack
Cards from 2 to 10: The point value corresponds to the number on the card. For example, if you draw a 3 of diamonds, you receive 3 points.
Cards J, Q, K: All count as 10 points.
Ace (A): It has a flexible point value and can be 1, 10, or 11 points. For example, when combined with a number card, the Ace can be counted as 1 or 11 points. When combined with a 10, J, Q, or K card, it counts as 11 points to achieve the highest point total.
Pair of Aces: Two Ace cards.
Blackjack: One Ace card combined with a 10, J, Q, or K card.
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Basic blackjack gameplay for beginners
To start a game of blackjack, there needs to be someone acting as the dealer. The dealer will deal 2 cards to each player and themselves in turns.
Players can draw a maximum of 3 additional cards, meaning that in each round, players can have a maximum of 5 cards. The goal of drawing cards is to have a total point value of 21 or as close to 21
Special Cases in Playing Blackjack
You need to understand the special cases in playing blackjack to make the right decisions on when to hit or stand. Here are some special cases in this game:
Blackjack: You have an Ace combined with one of the following cards: 10, J, Q, K.
21: You have two Aces right after the cards are dealt.
Five-card Charlie: The player has a total score below 21 after adding up the values of five cards. If both the player and the dealer have a five-card Charlie, the player with the lower total score wins.

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Terminology in Blackjack
Ace: Terminology and special cases in blackjack.
Bust: The player has a total score above 21.
Push: The player has a total score of 21 and still chooses to draw another card.
Strength ranking of special cases in blackjack: 21 > Blackjack > Five-card Charlie > Enough > Bust.
Playing Tips from Blackjack Experts
Playing blackjack may seem easy, but it's not always the case if you lack experience. When playing blackjack, experts often apply strategies such as:
Avoid splitting two 10s if the initial total of the two cards is already 20 points. Splitting cards is preferable when encountering two 8s to minimize risks.
If you have two 5s, simply draw one more card and double the bet.
When the total value of your cards reaches 17, it's advisable to stand. If the total is between 12 and 16, and the dealer's card is between 2 and 6, it's better to stand. Only draw when the dealer has 7 or higher.
Regarding the dealer's hand: If you see that the player has drawn all five cards, it's likely they have a five-card Charlie. However, there are cases where the player busts. In such situations, it's important to compare the hands.
These are the insights and playing tips shared by SHBet regarding blackjack. If you're a novice player, remember these experiences to make money from the game of blackjack.